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Other Ways to Donate

Planned Giving

Planned giving through bequests, life insurance, or other planned giving options can help support the longevity of CYC. To discuss different planned giving options, contact Julia Hughes at or (303) 304-6155.

Giving Stock

Increase your gift to Colorado Youth for a Change, and your tax deduction, by giving appreciated stock. For more information, contact Julia Hughes or (303) 304-6155.

King Soopers Community Rewards

You can support CYC while you shop at no cost to you through the King Soopers charity program! A portion of your payment is donated to the organization you select. Here is how to set it up:

  1. Log into or create an account online at
  2. Go to Community Rewards Program.
  3. Search for Colorado Youth for a Change or BX230.
  4. Click ENROLL.
  5. Swipe your card every time you shop in stores or online!

If you don't already have a King Soopers Customer Loyalty Card, you can get one at the customer service counter.

Click here to review our Donor Privacy Policy.

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