Mental health plays a crucial role in the overall well-being of students. It impacts everything…
CYC Takes Charge of Opportunity Youth Initiative

Colorado Youth for a Change is honored to be the new backbone of the Denver Opportunity Youth Initiative, which has been supported by the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce for the past 8 years.
Because thousands of Colorado youth ages 16 to 24 are disconnected from school or work, this collaborative effort is critical. Together with nonprofits, government entities, and businesses, the Denver Opportunity Youth Initiative supports education and career opportunities as well as support systems to youth. As a result, young people in Colorado can gain access to the education and career training they need. At the same time, the state of Colorado grows its pipeline of talent.
As a partner to the Denver Opportunity Youth Initiative since its inception, our team at CYC has seen the impact of community collaboration. We look forward to surveying current partners and assessing the needs of our partners and young people over the next few months – in order to build off the great work that’s already been done through this collaborative. If you want to stay connected through our newsletter, please contact Julia at